The contact information below is for CLAS advising in the PaCE and UF Online Programs only. If you are a residential/on-campus student (even if taking all online courses this semester), please see the AAC homepage for more information on how to contact an advisor.
CLAS UF Online and PaCE Program Advising
- Phone: (352) 294-2205
- Fax: (352) 392-2905
- Schedule an appointment with a CLAS PaCE/UF Online advisor
Students in the UF Online and PaCE programs are assigned an advisor based on major and/or last name. Each advisor sees the student populations listed under their name below. Advisors meet with students by appointment only. You can use the link above to schedule an appointment.

Glenn Kepic
Associate Director, Academic Advising Center
Director, On-line Advising Services, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Chris Kozak
Majors: PaCE Computer Science1; and UFOnline Computer Science last names A-G

Laura Beth Lancaster
Majors: Anthropology and Criminology2

Fallen Lee
Majors: Computer Science1 last names, P-Z; and Psychology last names M-Z

Robert Lopez
Majors: Sociology (all students), PaCE students in CLAS majors (except Computer Science) prior to transition, last names A-K

Nicole Raymond
Majors: PaCE students in CLAS majors (except Computer Science) prior to transition, last names L-Z

Roxanna Ruiz-Vazquez
Majors: Computer Science last names H-O; and Psychology last names A-L

Grace Tyler
Academic Advising Assistant
Majors: Biology, Geography, and Geology
Email or use above appointment scheduling for assistance
1. Computer Science: If you have questions about major requirements for the Computer Science major, you can contact the department advisor Matt Williams at
2. Criminology: If you have questions about major requirements for the Criminology major, you can contact the department at or (352) 294-7164.