Versión en español de Después de asistir a la vista previa
How do I adjust my schedule after attending Preview?
Students can begin adjusting their Summer B/Fall schedules on the following dates/times (ET):
- June 28th, 5:00 p.m. to June 30th, 11:59 p.m., as well as Summer B Drop/Add – July 1st through July 2nd, 11:59 p.m.
- August 2nd, 10:00 a.m. to August 21st, 11:59 p.m., as well as Fall Drop/Add, August 22nd-23rd and 26th-28th, 11:59 p.m.
Schedule adjustment takes place after Preview sessions conclude so that all new students have an equal chance of being able to add open seats during their Preview session.
There is no way to predict which seats will be open at a particular time during schedule adjustment. When you log on to the system, you can see what is open at that moment. With thousands of students adding and dropping, what is open will change constantly, so keep checking ONE.UF. See your Preview workbook (page 32) for more information about adjusting your schedule.
Things to know about Fall term schedule adjustment and drop/add
- There are tens of thousands of drops and adds in the weeks before Fall classes start. If you don’t see the desired class open the first time you log on to ONE.UF, keep checking! Seats aren’t always open on the first day of schedule adjustment.
- If you get a message stating you lack the prerequisite:
- Your incoming scores or transcripts may not have posted to your record yet. Be sure to send those scores/transcripts (see below).
- You may have tried to add a restricted section. Try to find another section that is not restricted; you can neither add nor be added to restricted sections unless you are part of the special program the section is reserved for (e.g., UF Online students).
- If you encounter any significant problem (e.g., required first-semester tracking course not open; new placement information for Mathematics or Chemistry), then you may request a schedule adjustment.
- During Drop/Add – Your registration on 11:59pm on the last day of drop/add will stay on your schedule, and you will owe tuition and fees for those courses. Drop/Add in Summer is 2 business days and in Fall is 5 business days. Be sure to look at the Drop/Add dates for each term in the Catalog. Pro Tip: Review your schedule one final time on the last day of drop/add – sometimes you discover that you forgot to drop something! Also, we don’t recommend adding classes that you have never attended on the last day of drop/add, unless you are 100% certain you want that class. You can’t drop and add with ease after drop/add; a drop will mean you still owe the tuition/fees, have a W on your record, and have used one of your allotted drops.
How do I make sure my AICE/AP/IB scores or dual enrollment credits are received by UF and posted?
First, check your ONE.UF to see what scores or transcripts have already been received. Most scores and dual enrollment credits are posted by late July. If you see that your scores have been posted, but the corresponding credits for those scores are not on your record, please email
To have scores/transcripts sent to UF:
- AICE: Contact your high school or use the Grade Transcript Service
- AP: Send your official AP score report
- IB: Contact your high school or request your IB transcript
- Dual Enrollment: Log onto your student portal with that institution, and order final transcripts to be sent to UF.
What if I need to adjust my schedule due to AICE/AP/IB scores, completing ALEKS after Preview, or due to a change of major after Preview?
Complete our Preview Adjust Survey to submit your request.
What do I need to do before Fall classes begin?
- Make sure any AICE/AP/IB scores and/or dual enrollment credits have been posted to your UF record.
- Check your schedule on ONE.UF. Ensure you are not repeating any courses by accident. You can also look at your courses’ locations on the map view of the schedule to ensure you know where to go when classes start!
- Review resources such as the Strategies for Success in Online Courses page and/or videos from Academic Resources, such as Beginning of the Semester Strategies or Goal Setting.
Why is it important to make sure all your credits have been received by UF?
You won’t be able to confirm your degree requirements until your credits are posted and appear in your degree audit. You also want to be sure you are not repeating a class for which you have credit – unless you are doing so deliberately (e.g., taking a course to refresh before going on to another course in the sequence). Repeating a course essentially replaces your previous credit for the course. You cannot earn credit twice for the same course.
What do I do if I have a documented diagnosis and face barriers to success in my course?
You would likely benefit from registering with the Disability Resource Center to receive academic accommodations and services. If you are struggling with academics but do not have a diagnosis, the DRC also offers screeners to help identify possible diagnoses. Students can call to set up appointments with the DRC by calling 352-392-8565.